Integrated Document Signing

Streamline your practice with BrightReturn's intuitive E-Signatures feature. Send documents straight to your clients' inboxes and receive signed copies back in no time

Integrated Workflow Management

By combining Document Management and the Client Portal, BrightReturn enables a seamless, integrated solution that facilitates effortless document signing. No more toggling between systems, instead enjoy a comprehensive platform, where you can send, receive, manage, and store all your documents at one central location.

Seamless Integrated Solution
BrightReturn combines Document Management and the Client Portal to facilitate effortless document signing and management in one integrated platform.
Elimination of System Toggling
Our integrated solution eliminates the need for toggling between systems by providing a comprehensive platform for all your document needs.
Central Document Management
Send, receive, manage, and store all your documents at one central location, enhancing the efficiency and productivity of your operations.
Brightreturn highlights

Multiple Signatures and Client Reminders

Accommodate numerous signatures on a single document, perfect for clients with multiple stakeholders, while keeping your clients informed with timely notifications about document status. Simplify your process, enhance client communication, and deliver a superior service experience with BrightReturn

Accommodation of Multiple Signatures
Our feature allows for the accommodation of multiple signatures on a single document, ideal for clients with multiple stakeholders.
Timely Client Notifications
Keep your clients informed with timely notifications about document status, enhancing their experience and communication.
Simplified Process & Superior Service
Simplify your processes, enhance client communication, and provide superior service with BrightReturn.
Brightreturn highlights

Frequently asked questions

What is the E-Signatures feature?

The E-Signatures feature is an efficient tool that allows to send documents to clients for signatures digitally.

How secured are documents sent for E-Signatures?

All documents sent for E-Signatures are secured with end-to-end encryption to ensure data privacy.

What is the Integrated Workflow Management?

Integrated Workflow Management combines Document Management and Client Portal to give a seamless, integrated solution for efficient document management and signing.

Is it possible to require multiple signatures on a single document?

Yes, our software allows for multiple signatures on single documents to accommodate clients with multiple stakeholders.

What are Client Notifications?

Client Notifications are alerts sent to clients about the status of their documents, including when they are ready for signing.

Can I customize client notifications?

Yes, notifications are fully customizable allowing you to control the frequency and content of the messages.

What happens if a client doesn’t sign a document in time?

The software will automatically re-send notifications to remind clients of documents needing their attention.

Can I manage multiple client documents at once?

Absolutely, our software is designed to handle multiple client documents simultaneously, saving you time and enhancing productivity.

I'm transitioning from another software. Can I import existing documents?

Yes, our software supports the import of existing documents for a seamless transition.

Ready to get started?